According to an analysis by Statistics Austria, about 1.32 million in Austria are neither vaccinated against Corona nor have recovered.
52.3 percent of people living in Austria held an upright vaccination certificate at the end of March without contracting the coronavirus. Another 17.2 had been vaccinated but had also become infected with SARS-CoV. The vaccination rate was thus 69.5 percent. This contrasted with 15.7 percent who had recovered unvaccinated – and 14.7 percent or around 1.32 million people were neither vaccinated nor recovered, as an evaluation by Statistics Austria shows.
Statistics Austria: Unvaccinated infected with Corona
The proportion of those who had an excellent vaccination or recovery certificate has thus increased by around three percentage points since the end of February. According to Statistik Austria, the decisive factor was that in March, mainly previously unvaccinated persons had become infected, which led to an increase in recovery certificates during the Omicron wave. In contrast, the proportion of people with an upheld vaccination certificate declined by 0.6 percentage points from the end of February to March, as more vaccination certificates expired than were added. “This is likely due partly to the long wait for the next vaccination following Covid 19 disease. Therefore, due to the high infection figures, a pure consideration of the vaccination rate would provide an incomplete picture,” Statistics Austria stressed in a release on Friday.
Corona vaccination rate by country of origin
Remarkable results are provided by looking at the vaccination rate by individual countries of origin, which is 70.4 percent for people born in Austria. Significantly more vaccinated are men and women born in China and Iran, with vaccination rates of 79.4 and 79.2 percent, respectively. Also above average are those born in the Czech Republic (75.4), Germany (74.5 percent), Italy (73.1 percent), and Turkey (70.5). Vaccination readiness is also high among Afghans, with a vaccination rate of 69 percent, many of whom fled to Austria from their country of origin and enjoy asylum status. By contrast, the vaccination rate for people from Syria, for whom the same applies, is 58.9 percent.
Of the countries of origin identified by Statistics Austria, those born in Romania have the lowest vaccination rate. It amounts to just 50.5 percent. People from Russia (51.8 percent) are not much more likely to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Also below 60 percent are native Bulgarians (54.2 percent), people from Slovakia (57.6 percent), Poland (58.0), Hungary (58.2), and Serbia (59.1).
Corona recovered in childhood
The proportions of those recovered are comparatively high among children who were vaccinated against Covid-19 much later than adults. Thus, the Omicron variant has “caught” a significant proportion of children. At the end of March, although 21 percent of children between the ages of five and nine had already been vaccinated, another 40 percent of this age group had a recovery certificate only. The proportion of those exclusively recovered was just as high among children between the ages of ten and 14, but another 41 percent already had an upright vaccination certificate. Among adolescents and adults aged 15 and older, between 89 and 92 percent held an excellent vaccination and recovery certificate across all age groups. This percentage was highest among persons aged 75 to 84, where about 89 percent were vaccinated or vaccinated and recovered. Only about three percent were recovered.
The proportions of persons with a good vaccination and convalescent certificate differed substantially by the highest level of education completed. Among 25- to 64-year-olds with compulsory education, 86 percent. Among those with a college degree, the balance is 93 percent. Those with a higher degree tend to be more likely to have a vaccination certificate, and those with a lower degree are more likely to have a recovery certificate.
Employed persons are more frequently vaccinated against Corona
When the same age group is differentiated by employment status, about 92 percent of those who were employed and about 84 percent of those who were not employed had an upright certificate of vaccination and recovery. Employed persons were both more likely to have been vaccinated (nearly 77 percent) and to have recovered exclusively (almost 16 percent) than non-employed persons (nearly 72 percent vaccinated, nearly 13 percent recovered solely).
There are apparent differences between the sectors within the group of employed persons of all ages. In public administration, the proportion of those with a good vaccination and recovery certificate is the highest overall (96 percent). Differences are also evident in terms of the risk of infection across industries. In information and communication, about one-third of all employees were affected by a Corona infection in the past six months. The figure was as high as 43 percent in health care and social services.
- sources: APA/
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